Funny Fanny

Once upon a time, there was a funny bunny named Fanny. She lived in a windy jungle full of mango trees and blue hair monkeys. Fanny was very special, because she was the only bunny in the forest. Most important of all, she was really funny.

The windy jungle has been the home of blue hair monkeys for generations. They loved to play mango fights. Mango fights usually start around sunset and end around sunrise. The monkey King chooses who gets to throw the first mango. The chosen one throws a mango at someone he’s been waiting to take revenge for the whole day. Pretty soon, everyone is throwing mangoes at everyone else. This goes on till sunrise when everyone gets tired and goes to sleep.

Unlike these blue hair monkeys, Fanny sleeps in the night. Her favorite place to sleep is below the largest mango tree. There she has dug a hole under the mango tree and kept her food and her blanket. On most nights, the monkeys fight on the tree above, and Fanny sleeps through the night.

One night, the fight was so intense, the mango tree crashed down. And Funny Fanny couldn’t find the way out.

“Help me! I’m stuck here!” But help did not come, the monkeys continued to fight. No amount of screaming and yelling caught the monkeys’ attention.

“How can I get out of this rabbit hole?” Fanny decided to do something different.

“What kind of key opens a banana?” “A Mon-key!”

“Why did the monkey like the banana?” “Because it had appeal”

“What do you call a monkey with a hat and a wand?

The monkeys giggled and stopped fighting.

“A mon-zard?

“A key-zard?

“A Mon-jician?

“A key-jician?

Fanny didn’t reply, but the monkeys wanted the answers. And so they started digging and pulling away the branches of the fallen mango tree until they found Fanny.

“What is the answer?

“Hairy Potter!”

The monkeys started laughing and laughing. One of them brought out hats and wands to pass out to all the monkeys and everyone started pretending to be Harry Potter. They did so until day break.

“I’m finally out of the rabbit hole,” said Fanny as she finally fell asleep and dreaming among the blue hair monkeys and mangoes.

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