Malia and the Poison Pool

“Please, may I go to Disney Cruise?” I begged. You might wonder who I am, so I’m just going to say I’m Malia and I love traveling. “Let’s see…” my mom said when she was flipping through my tests. “You’ve done so well on your test in the past months! I’m so amazed! And happy! You can now go to Disney Cruise!” My mom exclaimed. I was so excited that I jumped, well kind of jumped in my seat! 

On the next day, my whole family went to the cruise, my mom said, “It’s 10 nights, which means… 11 days (about 1 and a half weeks).” So, we went into Disney Cruise. Some guests introduced us by saying “welcome the Perry family” and went to check in. By the way, my last name is Perry. We got room 345. 

There was this guy who said that there was a station on the 6th floor which was origami. We were making a turtle there. When we finished, my coach said that my turtle was awesome. I was so impressed! 

Suddenly, RING! RING! RING! My phone rang. It was my dad. He said that they’re going up to the 7th floor to go to our room. I zoomed back to the lobby and joined them. We went up to our room. 

When we got there, (after searching for a long time, like about 1 hour and 12 minutes, maybe exaggerating) I ran in to change my clothes which was a dress with REAL flowers on it and it was short sleeves SINCE it was summertime. 

I went out and took a tour around the cruse and a girl called Marinette who was from French, Paris was the tour guy. She was a clumsy girl because she always fell on her face and there was also a girl called Chloe and Marinette hated her. I think because Chloe kept saying some mean words like “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” or “When will be a day you won’t fall?” Anyways the tour was great except for that part. 

On the tour, I remembered that on the top floor, there was a swimming pool with a movie still playing called Raya and The Last Dragon.  

So as fast as lightning, I ran upstairs and like a flash, I ran out with my swimming suit and screamed “race you there!” to dad. 

I raced out not looking in my way so if my dad ever came, I could see him. I was head over heels! But suddenly, I felt something liquid, I thought it was just my imagination, so I kept on going backwards, but when I lifted my foot, I dropped into the pool! Thank goodness I didn’t hit my head or something, but I felt extremely sick. I guessed that I drank a gulp of water. 

When my dad arrived, he saw me lying on the ground. He was worried. He brought me back into the room and laid me on the bed. Mom asked, “what happened to her?” Dad answered, “I don’t know.” “I ran into the pool.” I muttered. “And drank a gulp of water.” I continued. “I think the water is poisonous if you drank it.” Dad said. 

My dad was more worried than ever. He dug into the suitcase then to the other ones then finally he shouted “Ah-ha! Found it!” 

He put something into a glass of water, stirred it up, and gave it to me. I gave it a little sip, it tasted HORRIBLE! But my dad was staring at me so hard that I could feel is eyeballs popping out. There was no way I could go away without drinking it. So, I gulped the whole thing down then I could get it over with. 

“How are you feeling?” dad asked. “Great!” I answered. We went back to the swimming pool walking slowly so I won’t trip on the stairs because I almost tripped when I was going up the first time. We jumped into the pool. I told my dad that I wanted to watch the movie and there it was. Good thing it was just starting my favorite movie Moana. 

Ding-dong! One hour had passed. We went to change our clothes for the enormous dinner party we ordered. I have wanted to go to that party for years from now! I could see that my parents were also excited to go. I took a long bath (that was why we only watched the movie for 1 hour), changed and put on my pretty clothes. My mom put on a full face of make-up that I would always say that she looks worse than without make-up, but she never listened to me. 

Anyways, I went into the room, which was locked, but I managed to get in just by using my special key to open that door that I bought in Australia. It was a special one, so I brought it everywhere I went. When I went in, it was playing the performance of Rapunzel. It was an extraordinary day! 

That night I slept very well because of an exhausting day. Again, it was a wonderful day! 

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