My plea to shareholders of Novavax, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J and AstraZeneca – Make vaccines free for all

Dear shareholders of Novavax, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AstraZeneca,

2 years have passed since Covid-19.

5.4 million people have died. May be 15 million. And we have a new Omicron variant for this Christmas.

You have the power to end this. Make vaccines free for everyone.

When I was very little, my parents told me that if someone needs help desperately, for example an old lady has fallen down or a little child is lost, and you are the only person nearby, you must help. You ought to. You have to. You cannot walk away.

Shareholders, you own these companies. You can and must tell them to make and give everyone a vaccine.

Earlier this year, your companies promised we will be back to normal by now. Instead many countries are back to lockdown again.

No one is safe until everyone is. Everyone.

This Christmas, I wish all of you make this Santa gift for the world. You ought to. You have to. I beg you.

Thank you.

Charlotte Ng
9 years old
#covid #covid-19 #novavax #pfizer #moderna #jnj #astrazeneca #investment #shareholder #equity #wallstreet

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